Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Server Mysql Oraz Php How Do I Connect To A Mysql Server From My Windows Machine?

How do i connect to a mysql server from my windows machine? - server mysql oraz php

Hello, I was playing for the creation of websites with PHP, and I want to create a MySQL database. Ive got a book that tells me how, but he did not really say how to connect to the server. Iv a web space that allows MySQL databases, but how do I connect through a command line on my Windows machine? Is there software I install? Thanks for the reply, Ben.


MarnenLK said...

To connect the MySQL database, you need a MySQL client of a kind your hosting provider, has probably installed phpMyAdmin is a web client that no software installation is required on your side. If your hosting provider has Webmin, you can use the MySQL module, which is like phpMyAdmin, but not so well designed.

phpMyAdmin is almost certainly sufficient for their needs, but otherwise, a client can install on your account. Just find a client that you - MySQL offers customers chart, and a command-line client, other popular choices are Windows SQL Front (http:// www. SQL /) and Navicat ( You can also check to Power * Architect (, a tool for modeling data that has the functionality to customers.

For safety reasons, some hosting providers disable the access of remote clients, so that phpMyAdmin can be your only option.

If you are a desire of the customerthe login information so you can find the server database (unless your host phpMyAdmin installation, which is preconfigured). With your hosting provider will give you this information, which also communicate all PHP scripts with the database.

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