Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Atlantic Ocean Seawater Nasal Spray Can You Help Me In Biology?

Can you help me in biology? - atlantic ocean seawater nasal spray

A few years ago there was a severe drought in the northeast and ads used to be limited to the water very much. Since the border states of the seawater of the Atlantic, why he will not be filtered used to replenish fresh water?


i'MdAmAn... said...

that too much money and energy - not worth it!

John R said...

All answers are correct, it is very expensive, desalination of sea water, it is not a question of filtering, the water that have traditionally been distilled by heating to evaporate the water (salt and leave) any other chemicals, then cooling the steam, to the condensation of pure water. This is a very inefficient process, and do a lot of energy. It is much cheaper and easier to leave the planet to get us through the water cycle, but if the weather is not even together, they only practical solutions. We really fought through a double-edged sword: droughts become more frequent as the changing weather conditions and ground water is less polluted forever. The next century will probably be an interesting time (not) in the right direction.

nonficti... said...

this is very energy intensive to make sea water into fresh water. This is an extremely inefficient.

nonficti... said...

this is very energy intensive to make sea water into fresh water. This is an extremely inefficient.

apurba s said...

It is too expensive to convert seawater into drinking water

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