Monday, January 4, 2010

Can You Get Rid Of Hpv Does Anyone Know Someone (personally) That Got Rid Of Hpv On Their Own?

Does anyone know someone (personally) that got rid of hpv on their own? - can you get rid of hpv

I recently received a diagnosis of genital warts and I am very worried. When I read the virus, several publications reported that HPV can spontaneiously disappears by itself within 2 years.

Does anyone know someone personally, have had genital warts, but the system bodie's'immune green light for the virus in a few years?


Medic Loretta said...

HPV virus stays in your body forever! 2 years - is a myth!

Everything you need to do is your genital warts as soon as possible, because the warts are very contagious, to eliminate!
You need a strong immune system!

If you really want to get rid of genital warts forever, then you should know that genital warts can be removed by surgery, freezing, laser, acid or cream, but genital warts appear again and again because of genital warts appears when the immune system is weakened!

HPV is the virus that causes genital warts. You can be infected with HPV have no symptoms. Others develop genital warts. These warts can remain the same size, grow or disappear by themselves. It depends largely on the immune system of the infected person. A healthy immune system means that you have your body in a position to remove the virus and show no symptoms.

Even after the warts disappear, the person will remain infected with HPV. This person can transmit the virus, even without symptoms.

Therefore, you need your immune system, have been buildings body to get rid of genital warts even if your immune system strong! Eating healthier foods, more vitamins and more sports! No smoking ( 'Bring beer / EFA, no alcohol, no drugs, no junk food, no fast food garbage, not sugary sweet soda. You are eating a balanced diet, health, containing plenty of vegetables boiled or steamed.
PLENTYOFWATER drinks, fruit juices and skim milk. Snack on plenty of fruits and vegetables. Get up early every morning and take a brisk walk of 30 minutes - then - do the same thing night after dinner. Be sure to eat a balanced breakfast every day. You get your energy food for the day of their breakfast. Get 8 hours sleep per night. Flip over your mattress level, to give you a good night's sleep. Too much coffee and tea) in bulk, you need to use a treatment based on plants, it is not always possible to 100% healthy life ...!!!

Wartrol in this case is really good (probably better) product that is free of genital warts fairly quickly and you feel more secretsNot knowing who used to appear again! It works by stimulating the immune system to fight against the HPV virus that causes warts. Of course, it is best if you use the bike path (5 months - if I remember correctly).

It worked and still works for me!

I do not know if Wartrol pharmacies selling, but I know that you are buying directly from the manufacturer, and you should be here about the product

Is Wartrol advantage over other natural treatments for genital warts, that since it is taken orally, acts as an invisible internal genital warts and can not be treated with creams and other natural remedies.

Good luck!

Work in Women's Health - OB + personal experience

Al LeGator said...

Delete May is technically inaccurate. Deleted is more accurate. Our immune system, ideally, learn anyway, "as the control and prevention of bacteria and viruses in check. When a new happens, our immune system learns to identify which, if we're lucky - the fight. Once he learned what it seems to say, the immune system is directed to re-infection and antibodies against the "flag" of the intruder to the destruction of white blood cells. If we are lucky - our immune system is not or has not learned against an invader, fighting mainly the seeds of victory. You can get sick, have a home (ie, warts) ... In other situations, if our system does not contain a deadly virus or bacteria, which eventually die. In their situation of HPV, a healthy lifestyle, stress, diet, moderate exercise can help your immunity against the strain of HPV (s) that ultimately led to outbreaks and may struggle to avoid a recurrence.

gardenze... said...

Yes, my ex had genital warts before the date (I had the HPV) vaccine, and not me. Within 4 years we were together, not just once, and now even to this day.
The fact that HPV is a virus that does not mean you will never be. I do not know why there are people out that's true. For example, influenza, caused by a virus. Your body will permanently rid the virus. However, viruses such as HIV and herpes in living cells that your immune system can achieve - that's why you can not get rid of. HPV lives in the epithelial cells. Your immune system can get rid of (and probably) permanently "of HPV. However, some people can not really get rid of HPV and symptoms long term. There is no way to know whether or not the long term, but we expect the best.

Casey Jane ☼ said...

It depends really on the immune system. I was diagnosed with HPV and that it was "dangerous man" not the kind of "warts." I was diagnosed in September '08 and my last cytology (June '09), he was gone! It really is a spontaneous virus! Check Pap test more regularly now that you know you have it! Just to be safe and good luck!) Recommend and if you are vaccinated, .. It not only protects against 6 of the 42 tribes, but it is really worth it:)

EDIT: I have nothing special to make it disappear! Only your own body!

An-Atomy ∞RIP∞ The Rev said...

If you have warts, you should see a dermatologist to remove it. It is true that the virus will be deleted (in most cases) from your system in 6 months and 2 years. or from the removal of warts, depending on the chain of HPV-performance (there are) dozens you can your risk of cancer increases.

An-Atomy ∞RIP∞ The Rev said...

If you have warts, you should see a dermatologist to remove it. It is true that the virus will be deleted (in most cases) from your system in 6 months and 2 years. or from the removal of warts, depending on the chain of HPV-performance (there are) dozens you can your risk of cancer increases.

Bird said...

Yes, one of my best friends. I do not think you've developed genital warts, but she was diagnosed with HPV after an abnormal Pap smear. His doctor said that usually rid the body of the virus itself, and during his last visit and said he did not.

Ash said...

Yes, I!

There are about 3 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter's warts (as I learned had HPV). At 6 months after birth, I was not tested. To date, the tests are negative.

Iwalkeve... said...

Although the warts disappeared May, the virus still live in your body and you will be emphasized when outbreaks.

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